NASA’s plan to head to the stars is under fire again, this time by federal deficit hit men. The sapce agency has been suffering cuts to several programs for the past years now but nothing compares to the scale of the most recent setback. The Constellation was a human spaceflight program aimed to gain significant experience in operating away from Earth's environment, develop technologies needed for opening the space frontier, and conduct fundamental science. In short, it was to get humans on other worlds. This among other cuts have opened a door for private companies to develop space flight and NASA should give them their full support now that they can No longer accomplish the goals themselves.
NASA’s plan to head to the stars is under fire again, this time by federal deficit hit men. The sapce agency has been suffering cuts to several programs for the past years now but nothing compares to the scale of the most recent setback. The Constellation was a human spaceflight program aimed to gain significant experience in operating away from Earth's environment, develop technologies needed for opening the space frontier, and conduct fundamental science. In short, it was to get humans on other worlds. This among other cuts have opened a door for private companies to develop space flight and NASA should give them their full support now that they can No longer accomplish the goals themselves.
Compare and Contrast
50 years ago the United States had more exports than imports, those were the days when the governemnt had money to spend, nowadays the country is importing so much more than it imports that it has a deficit of 14.1 trillion dollars. There is no money and the government is needing to borrow money more and more and to lower this huge debt many things must be cut. Its been over 37 years since the last man has set foot on the moon and NASA was aiming to do it again. Their current project Constellation was canceled and that opens the door for private companies to join in for the race to space.
Rhetorical Question
Have you ever wanted to go up to space? How about setting foot on another planet? Have you? well now its gonna take a whole lot longer than it would've if NASA would've just given money to private companies.